
Flying peppino spaghetti pizza tower
Flying peppino spaghetti pizza tower

flying peppino spaghetti pizza tower

Previews: First Demo Trailer, SAGE2019 Trailer, Steam Trailer The SAGE 2019 demo is available through Itch.io. After fighting through their defenses, the player takes out the level's Pillar John and must race back to the beginning of the level as it starts to collapse with a timer.įor updates on the game, see its Twitter and Tumblr. Within the tower's various stages live many cheesy enemies attempting to impede Peppino's progress. In the game, you traverse through the aforementioned Pizza Tower's floors, collecting pizza ingredients and the animate Toppins along the way.

flying peppino spaghetti pizza tower

And so, Peppino goes on a quest to destroy the Pizza Tower and save his restaurant, helped by fellow pizza chef Gustavo. One day, he is confronted by Pizzaface, a giant sentient pizza and the lord of the titular Pizza Tower, who threatens to destroy Peppino's restaurant with a giant laser. Peppino Spaghetti is an anxious and ill-tempered Italian chef and the owner of a failing pizza restaurant. It was finally released on PC through Steam on January 26th, 2023, after five years of development and a variety of demos, both public and private. Pizza Tower is an indie 2D Platform Game by a small team called Tour de Pizza, led by "McPig" (previously known as "Pizza Tower Guy"), heavily inspired by games like Wario Land and shows like Spongebob Squarepants. Pizza Mayhem, from the game's official soundtrack.

Flying peppino spaghetti pizza tower